Friday, April 29, 2011

bernina vs pfaff sewing machines

I have finally figured out by owning two different Bernina Sewing Machines that I absolutely love Pfaff sewing machine better. Pfaff's sew the most precise stitches ever as long as you have a Pfaff with IDT (dual feed). I now own a Pfaff 935 and Pfaff 2034 both have IDT. These are not fancy Pfaff's by no means. I am a pro seamstress and do lots of alterations on wedding dresses, prom dresses, bridesmaid dresses and general clothing. My pfaff easily sew through any type of clothing and fabric. I did own a Bernina 1630 which was a 9mm stitch (which I hated) and recently sold a Bernina Artista 170 that also had the embroidery unit. I wanted so bad to love the Bernina 170, but it just did not sew smoothly like my Pfaffs. My point being: if you are ever in the market for a sewing machine that sews smoothly, evenly, and perfectly consider any Pfaff sewing machine that has the IDT feature.